About us
Welcome to Kidzy Casa, Unlocking the joy and creativity of your little one. It isexcellent platform to buy wide range of high quality unique and educational toyswhich enhances the skill and creativity of your children and also create joyful
memories for the children of all ages.
I am Sathya. I am 58 years old. My 3 and half years old grand daughter Ananya lovesto play with toys rather than watching TV and mobile. She had no screen time till shewas two and half years old. Now, Once in a while she watches rhymes in thecomputer for 15 -20 minutes a day only. We believe that toys can be greater tool toimprove social skills, gross and fine motor skills and language skills and also everychild needs to have less screen time . It inspired us to found this platform whichhelps the children explore the magic of childhood.
Our vision is to create joyful memories for your little one at budget friendly toys.
Our mission is to provide perfect toys at affordable price that not only igniteenthusiasm but also foster creativity, imagination and problem solving skills andsupports children development
Kidzy Casa is more than a business. Your little one’s joy and parent satisfaction is ourpriority.
Thank you for choosing Kidzy Casa.